Friendship Heights has experienced a series of retail and restaurant closings over the past years. By bringing in new residents and reimagining the retail equation, Friendship Heights will attract the kind of retail and dining that Village residents will enjoy for decades to come.
bringing back retail
The RightNOW! art exhibition is live in the seven former retail displays at 5510 Wisconsin Avenue. The exhibit engages the local community to bring awareness to women's rights worldwide and create social change around issues of women's equality.
Schedule a 5500 Wisconsin Presentation
We’ve presented our plans at meetings with numerous Friendship Heights organizations and condominium associations, chatted with neighbors at our table at the Friendship Heights Farmers’ Market, held a community-wide forum and presented our plans to the Friendship Heights Village Council. We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know so many of our neighbors and hearing their comments.
If your association would like to schedule a presentation, please contact us at community@5500 |